NeXOS will sponsor a sensor requirements session at EGU 2014
There is a special opportunity for discussion of sensor requirements for next generation ocean sensors - focused on optical and passive acoustic technology for in-water observations. NeXOS, an FP-7 project sponsored by the EC, is a four year effort to design, build and test new measurement capabilities. NeXOS will sponsor a sensor requirements session at EGU 2014 addressing the next five to ten years for optical and passive acoustic sensors.
SPM1.22 Opportunities and requirements for ocean in-situ sensors – NEXOS; Tuesday 29 April, 15:30 – 17:00 Room R9
Conveners Jay Pearlman and Christoph Waldman
NEXOS is a new European project focused on the next generation of in-situ ocean measurements capabilities using light weight, low power, optical and passive acoustic sensors. NEXOS will be designing, building and field testing the new sensors over the next four years. The resulting compact integrated systems will be deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms. We are interested in your inputs to help shape the NEXOS development through a discussion of your needs and requirements for such sensors and systems.
Please join us .
15:30 – 15:45 Welcome, introductions around the room, agenda - Jay Pearlman
15:45 – 16:05 Introductions to NeXOS (sensors and scenarios) – Christoph Waldmann
16:05 – 16:15 Long Term development strategy – Johan Gille
16:15 - 16:45 Questionnaire - All
16:45 – 17:00 Group summary and discussion – Christoph Waldmann