Ocean of Tomorrow Projects Conference
On 27 November 2014, the Directorate General for Research and Innovation is organising the second conference 'The Ocean of Tomorrow projects: what results so far?'
This conference is a unique opportunity to give visibility and showcase first results of ambitious multi-disciplinary projects with a focus on innovative technologies to support the development of sustainable maritime activities.
It explores complementarities and synergies with projects in such diverse sectors as maritime security, innovative sensors to monitor the marine environment, offshore aquaculture or offshore wind energy.
The conference includes also a panel discussion with industry representatives and public authorities to debate Blue Growth, emerging opportunities and new challenges within the maritime space.
NeXOS has been selected together with the other Ocean of Tomorrow projects for this conference such as TROPOS, PERSEUS, LEANWIND or COCONET.
Register here
Related webpages:
- H2OCEAN Project: http://www.h2ocean-project.eu/
- MERMAID Project: http://www.mermaidproject.eu/
- NeXoS Project: http://www.nexosproject.eu/
- PERSEUS Project: http://www.perseus-fp7.eu/
- LEANWIND Project: http://www.leanwind.eu/
- COCONET Project: http://www.coconet-fp7.eu/