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To achieve a maximum level of interoperability, it is important to establish application profiles for data exchange standards. NeXOS has great potential to develop such profiles for the ocean community since within its consortium the domains of marine knowledge and technical expertise merge. These profiles will be based on existing work, such as has been started in the ESONET project.
They will be designed as best practices for marine sensor network providers and submitted by NeXOS to the OGC standardization process. In addition to the development of profiles, NeXOS will be able to contribute practical experience and evaluation mechanisms to the next evolution of SWE specifications, which will shape SWE 3.0. In particular, NeXOS will address specifications to improve the processes of marine data acquisition. Utilization of the standardized SWE specifications and development of the required profiles, will allow seamless integration with existing international initiatives such as GEOSS and GMES.