WP1: Scientific and Technical Coordination, Requirements and Validation Strategy
This work package sets the basis for technical and scientific coordination of the NeXOS project. It ensures that the diverse strands of research, implementation and outreach within the project share a common scientific and technological approach.
WP Leader: Uni-HB
The objectives of WP1 are to:
- Establish a comprehensive sensor development plan, from requirements to concept, integration and validation
- Specify quality levels and control procedures for products
- Identify new risks and contingencies for RTD deliverables not identified at proposal stage
- Supervise scientific and technical activities within the project, in collaboration with the Chief Engineer (WP3 lead)
- Assure quality and control scientific and technical deliverables
- Inform the coordinator and Steering Committee on overall project S&T progress
- Assure project S&T cohesion and provide direction on sensor systems, from requirement to concept to product
- Plan demonstrations in cooperation with the partners executing related work items