European marine policy makers stated in the “Ostend Declaration” of 2010 that the major challenge is now to support the development of a truly integrated and sustainably funded European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) to monitor key ocean processes.
NeXOS will adopt an innovative approach to the biofouling problem. A new technology applied to the transducing interface will drastically reduce maintenance costs and guarantee improved sensor performance.
For all new sensors, NeXOS will adopt OGC's Sensor Web Enablement standards to enable Web-based sharing, discovery, exchange and processing of sensor observations, and operation of sensor systems. Data distribution and access will be easier both for the provider and end user. This will support innovation and the development of new services and applications.
The developments of NeXOS are based on an integrated strategy for ocean monitoring. Several sensor systems will be developed, tested and validated for specific technologies and monitoring strategies.
The three observation foundations of NeXOS will provide broad coverage of variables relevant to GES and the CFP. For each of these foundations NeXOS will develop new, cost-efficient, compact and integrated sensor systems with multiple functionalities. These new sensors will also improve reliability, interfacing and data interoperability.
The objectives of NeXOS focus on these initiatives and infrastructures, in particular regarding the need to create reliable multifunctional multi-platform sensor systems, interoperable interfaces and downstream services as a response to the increasing cost of maintaining the overall monitoring capacity that will support EU initiatives and policies.