IEEE (France)
IEEE will bring to NeXOS its expertise in dissemination of activities and results, its involvement with GEOSS and its work in interoperability, standards and instrumentation....
The IEEE France Section is an IEEE non-profit corporation registered in France in 1967. It has more than 3000 members with many links to both industry and universities. Globally, IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology with more than 400,000 members in over 162 countries; It produces more than 132 transactions, journals and magazines and more than 450 IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored conferences worldwide each year. In addition, the IEEE is a major international standards organization with over 900 active IEEE standards.
IEEE has played an active role in GEO and GEOSS development in interoperability, leading the GEOSS infrastructure for standards and best practices and addressing data quality assurance and other relevant areas. IEEE has created a series of global GEOSS workshops with over 40 from July 2005 until the end of 2011. These were focused on outreach and dissemination for GEOSS. In addition, IEEE has developed web-based lectures and tutorials in earth observation for capacity building and created a new peer review journal in applications of earth observation. For outreach to the general public, IEEE operates Earthzine (, focused on the impacts of earth observations. IEEE led Outreach Work Packages for FP7 projects EuroGEOSS and EGIDA and is active in other projects through participation in advisory boards or through collaborations.